Tuesday, July 1, 2008

2 weeks of catching up

These last 2 weeks have been filled with events leading up to my cousin's wedding and then the party in Bali, with a maternity shoot in between, and a corporate shoot squeezed in there somewhere. I need an assistant. Or at least someone to tell me to either 1) don't take too many pictures, or 2) help me pick the best photos, or 3) massage my back.

But I'd never look back on my decision to dive into my passion. Can you believe Photography ranks even higher than Food on my list of priorities?

:) :) :)
Despite recent unfortunate events, I'm still so happy.

1 comment:

Huey said...

Hi great photos, very natural, you can capture angle very well. Me love taking pictures too, and my only model is my son, hahaha... And is getting harder to take his photo cos he doesn't want to "pose" me any more :(

So what happen to your other passion? Hope you still making cookies, brownies, pudding...! Hahah... Anyway love your blog, very elegant :)